2008 m. lapkričio 7 d., penktadienis

Psychology of Kleptomania

In the beginning of writing, maybe it would be importantly to define what kleptomania is. So, kleptomania is a mental disorder characterized by repeated stealing of things, which generally are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value. Kleptomaniac feels an emotional tension before the commission of a theft, after which pleasure, gratification follows. However, some may not be aware that they have committed the theft. Kleptomaniacs steal not with the intention of expressing anger or vengeance. People with this disorder usually exhibit guilt after the theft. Although the cause of kleptomania is unknown, supposedly, it may have a genetic component. Also, patients, who are kleptomaniacs, are often chemically dependent, have an anxiety, depression, or eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia. However, detection of kleptomania is difficult and the disorder often stay undetected because patients do not seek medical help for this complaint. The disorder is usually diagnosed when patients seek help for another reasons, such as depression, bulimia, or for feeling emotionally unstable or unhappy in general. When we see all these features of kleptomania disorder we should understand that kleptomaniacs steal despite their wish do not do that again, that they have a serious disease, which has no tangible prevention. So, we should be human and understanding.
